ISLAMABAD: Chinese President Xi Jinping has said that One Belt and One Road (OBOR) Initiative is a mega project to connect the world through economic integration.
He was addressing the Leaders’ Roundtable Conference in the Belt and Road Forum began in Beijing on Monday. He said that we should adopt a free trade policy to enhance business links with each other.
He said peace and stability is imperative for the progress and prosperity of the world. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is also attending the Leaders’ Conference. In the second session of round table conference the leaders will discuss “Connectivity cooperation for inter connected development”.
PM Nawaz will address both sessions. Meanwhile, China has signed an agreement with twenty-six countries to jointly address the pressing challenges of financing gap for projects under the Belt and Road Initiative. The agreement aims to create a long-term and stable financing mechanism to break a “funding bottleneck” for development work under CPEC.
China has also signed memorandum with six multilateral development financial institutions, including the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, to strengthen financing coordination for the Belt and Road Initiative.