Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan’s ex-wife Reham Khan and musician Salman Ahmed exchanged heated words on Twitter over Reham’s “controversial” book on Friday.
Referring to those criticising her over leaked manuscript of her book, Reham said that her story will reach the masses whether she “is alive or not.”
You forget when you threaten me that I learnt from the murders of Zahra Shahid & Qandeel Baloch.
Rest assured my story will reach everyone whether I am alive or not.— Reham Khan (@RehamKhan1) June 8, 2018
To this, musician Salman Ahmed responded that he “hoped to God” that Reham lived long enough to regret her “fake and cooked up story.” He added that the PTI chief is a gentleman and that he has never uttered any derogatory remark against his former wife.
I hope to God that u live long to regret ur fake & cooked up story. @ImranKhanPTI is a true gentleman & humanitarian.He never uttered a single derogatory public statement abt u. QB & ZS never stole from IK, 2) never tried to extort charity funds, 3) never abused people #SHAMEONU
— salman ahmad (@sufisal) June 8, 2018
Reham was also quick to reply. She said that Salman and everyone else would know how and when Imran proposed for marriage once her book is published. Moreover, she also called Ahmed a “spare part”.
When you read my book you will know how & when your leader proposed so my poor misguided brother I never needed you or anyone for access. You were always the spare part. Still are.
— Reham Khan (@RehamKhan1) June 7, 2018
The ex-Junoon sensation, however, did not take offence of Reham’s “spare part” jibe and said that spare parts are useful and can help fix things, unlike Reham’s heart and mind, “which can not be fixed”.
Spare parts exist for a reason. when things break down, they can be fixed. Except for your brain & heart, all can be fixed & healed.
— salman ahmad (@sufisal) June 8, 2018