The UN General Assembly Tuesday stamped its approval on a Pakistan-sponsored resolution that upholds occupied peoples’ right to self-determination, with Ambassador Munir Akram calling it a “beacon of hope” for Kashmiris and Palestinians suffering under alien occupation.
Under the terms of the resolution, which was adopted by consensus, the 193-member Assembly reaffirmed the right to self-determination for peoples who are subjected to colonial, foreign and alien occupation.
The text was recommended last month by the General Assembly’s Third Committee, which deals with Social, humanitarian and cultural issues.
“At a time when the right of self-determination of the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine is being brutally suppressed, the unanimous adoption of Pakistan’s flagship resolution on self-determination offers a beacon of hope that they will secure their freedom from foreign occupation,” Ambassador Munir Akram told APP when asked for his comments.
Pakistan has been tabling this resolution since 1981 in an effort to focus the world’s attention on the peoples still struggling for their inalienable right to self-determination, including those in Indian Occupied Kashmir and Palestine.
Co-sponsored by 64 countries, the resolution calls on countries to immediately cease their foreign military intervention in and occupation of foreign countries and territories, as well as acts of repression, discrimination and maltreatment.
The resolution also declared the General Assembly’s firm opposition to acts of foreign military intervention, aggression and occupation, since these have resulted in the suppression of the right of peoples to self-determination and other human rights in certain parts of the world.
It called on those States responsible to cease immediately their military intervention in and occupation of foreign countries and territories, as well as all acts of repression, discrimination, exploitation and maltreatment.
The Assembly also deplored the plight of millions of refugees and displaced persons who have been uprooted as a result of these acts and reaffirms their right to return to their homes voluntarily in safety and honour.
It urges the Human Rights Council to give special attention to the violation of human rights, especially the right to self-determination, resulting from foreign military intervention, aggression or occupation.
The resolution also requests the Secretary-General to report to the next session of the General Assembly on this question.