JAMSHORO: Vice Chancellor University of Sindh Prof Dr Fateh Muhammad Burfat and General Officer Commandant (GOC) Hyderabad Major General Muhammad Ali said the students of Sindh University are highly civilised, talented and their hearts were filled with deep love for their homeland-Pakistan.
They said that Pakistan had a largest representation among its youth population amounting to well over 60 percent, and that the youth were its tomorrows leaders; hence they merited maximum time, attention, love, grooming, guidance and true understanding of their national identity and responsibilities-adding both academic as well as military leadership were ready to provide them said wherewithal.
Vice Chancellor Dr Burfat said that Sindh had an undeniable role in making Pakistan as its provincial assembly was the first to vote, opt and resolve in favour of its creation.
He said strong Sindh means strong Pakistan, stressing most telling answer to evil designs of enemy was to foster an indivisible national bond among five federating units i.e. Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Gilgit Baltistan; along with retaining cultural identity of all five contributing arteries.
University of Sindh would discharge noble national obligation of infusing greater national spirit and patriotic sentiment in the already country-loving youth of Sindh by help of its able and accomplished faculty, officers and employees.
Major General Muhammad Ali said he was delighted to have come to University of Sindh and to have interacted with zestful and patriotic youth studying there.
“I am indeed enchanted to find those boys and girls in such swarming numbers, raising full-throated slogans of Pakistan Zindabad,” he said.
He said that he would go back from varsity with a redoubled faith that Pakistan was in safe hands of youth who he saw brimming with love for their motherland Pakistan.
“I am more than convinced after I met students of University of Sindh that Pakistan will prosper and flourish as long as our higher education institutes in Pakistan ingrained in their students the kind of patriotic spirit, I have witnessed in the budding leaders at the University of Sindh campus in Jamshoro”, he said.
He emphasised Pakistan was confronted with menaces like provincialism, religious sectarianism, lack of cultural harmony, extremism, terrorism and lack of unanimous national agenda and clear direction to youth of country.
Endorsing earlier opinion floated by Vice Chancellor he loved independence and was feeling proud to be a Pakistani, explaining that two were complementary rather than dichotomous in nature.
“I support idea of coexistence of provincial cultures under the umbrella of strong strain of Pakistani nationalism,” he maintained..
Published in Daily Times, August 16th 2017.